So I leave San Diego for Washington DC in about 9 hours and 30 minutes, and the past week has gone by WAY too fast. The last few months seemed to drag on, but suddenly it was time to make my Gig Harbor/Seattle visit, and time started flying by. There was tons of paperwork I had to get done as well as last second shopping and, of course, packing up all my stuff. I was supposed to hang out with a lot of people that I never got the chance to, and to them I'm sorry. However, I did have a little party for members of my family, my closest friends from high school, Steve and Joe, and their families. I also ate a lot the last, well, 2 weeks, stuffing my face with my favorites, mainly mexican food, pizza, sushi, and for my last dinner in SD I had thai food at my favorite thai restaurant. My mom and I finally got the whole packing situation figured out about 45 minutes ago, and figured I'd write this to say goodbye to all those I had meant to but ran out of time. Apparently I won't be able to have internet access during my training portion, which ends (I think) on April 5th, so this will be my last blog entry until then. BUT make sure to write me letters! My mailing address is on the right side.
PS: I love you guys.
PS: I love you guys.
Ryan has a cell phone in Zambia. You can download SKYPE and contact him. A text (SMS) costs $0.13 and a call is $0.28 per minute. Your computer may need a headset.
You put in the Zambia code then 260978964829.
Right now he is 10 hours ahead. After Day Light Savings Time he will be 9 hours ahead.
Ryan's mom, Laura
I've been able to talk to Ryan 3 times. You, too, can call him with an international phone card or through SKYPE. The Zambia international code is 260. Ryan's number is then 978-964-829. You can also text him or send an SMS through SKYPE. I've sent him two and they say PENDING, but he did get one.... ????
It is best to call him on Saturday night, US time from 7:00 pm on (Day Light Savings Time- he is 9 hours ahead.)
Ryan is now with his host family. He lives with a man who is a "higher up" in the local agricultural department. The father owns a farm, so Ryan has good relishes with his nightly N'shima (can't say it or spell it right). Ryan is vege now so he skips the "bug" relish. Ryan is very happy. BUT..He does not like his bike. He has crashed several times...The handle bars spin 360 so the Peace Corps says they will fix it..... Meanwhile, he walks everywhere. It takes 30 minutes to walk to his class each way and up to one hour 15 minutes to get to a friend, He is eating well, learning to speak a local language (host family is bilingual) and it is easier than the thought (at this point anyway).
The trainees from CA are the only ones who have not received mail.
He wants mail, but needs nothing. So send him Jolly Ranchers!
For more info, or if you need help contacting him, contact me. 760-631-6962.
Ryan's mom, Laura
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