Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Peace Corps Blog Page Update

So, apparently my blog page has been added to the Peace Corps list of blog links. Also, I have found out about more people that I'll apparently be going with, thanks to the latest Peace Corps blog links update and snooping around Eric Hastie's blog (a dude who is going with us that I have known about for a little while now). I'm just wondering if there are going to be any more people that will join us, and if yes, how many? February 20th is getting closer and closer, and I'm getting more and more impatient!


Laurin Dalon said...

Hey Ryan,

Way to go! I am the wife of your Uncle Brian's best friend, caston dalon. Caston and I just spent a year in Central America-- mostly Nicaragua and Panama and lived like the locals. It was the most amazing experience. You a very courageous to go to Zambia by yourself and take a chance to do something special. I admire people like that. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Hill Billy....Mari is asleep and I wanted to spy on you. Update this already. I will try and give you a call soon and fill you in on all the shenanigans of late. Dont do something stupid.